About Us


A little more about us

A little over a year ago, before Drinks Boutique, we opened Find Boutique, a local wine shop, to help us share our love of wine. And then we realised something was missing...

Chatting with our guests, we discovered a common desire: a friendly place to pop in, have a good drink and escape the pressure of the outside world. 

holding glass

That's how the idea of Drinks Boutique was born. A local, cosy, welcoming place that is just like going to your friend's house for drinks - If your friend has amazing wine knowledge and a ridiculous collection of wines and some spirits on top of that!

pouring wine

If you don't have time to sit down and relax, but you need a great wine spirit, we can also help! Our love for wine extends to matching it perfectly to your meal or event, and with our fabulous collection, we'll definitely be able to find the perfect fit. No matter the occasion, we have your back! 

So come on in, have a great drink and support your local wine and cocktail bar!